13 Essential First Date Rules for High-Value Women

Let’s chat about some first date rules for high-value dating and going out with men who come from old money.

If you’re curious about how to behave on a first date with a member of the high society or simply just a wealthy man, then these are the tips you need to know to make the best impression. 

High society men are looking for more than just “looks” so you need to know exactly how to behave if you want to attract the right partner in the upper class. A beautiful woman who doesn’t behave or present herself correctly will not secure a relationship with an upper class man, no matter how old or unattractive he may be.

These tips will help you put your best foot forward when dating in high society. 

First date rules for high value women clairerose

Don’t Ask Him Out First

High-value women should never ask a man out first. Always let a man approach you and make the first move. 

Don’t Accept Coffee Dates

High-value women rarely accept coffee dates from a man. They know that a true provider will suggest an activity that requires more of an investment or planning on his end. 

Drink Moderately

Don’t drink at all on a lunch date. Go for sparkling water instead. 

Never drink more than one glass of wine on a dinner date. If he wants to order a bottle, politely make it clear that you’ll only have one glass. 

Wear a Dress and Heels

For daytime dates, you should wear a colorful or printed dress and a low to mid-heel. The dress can be loose or form-fitting. 

For dinner dates, you should wear colors like black, red, nude, and sometimes white. Go for a form-fitting dress shape. 

Simple Jewelry

Keep your jewelry simple. Wear diamond stud earrings, a simple bracelet, and a simple necklace. One ring is acceptable, but not more. 

What to Order

Order something easy to eat. Avoid ordering difficult or messy foods such as lobster. 

Do Not Take Photos During the Date

Don’t take photos of your food, the restaurant, and of course, not him. In fact, you shouldn’t take out your phone at all during the date unless it’s absolutely necessary. 

Let Him Do the Talking

Don’t stress about the conversation topics. He should be worried about entertaining you. It’s not your job to keep the conversation flowing. Let him lead the conversation, and chime in when you want to. Don’t sweat the “awkward silences;” they’re perfectly natural. Just remain calm. Let him think of a new topic.

Questions to Ask

Ask basic questions about his lifestyle including his hobbies, the last place he traveled on vacation, and what he enjoys doing on the weekends. 

Once you’ve asked about his interests, you can ask about his job. This should never be the first question you ask about him.

Read His Cues About Conversation

If he looks away, starts fidgeting, or doesn’t respond more than a word or two, he’s likely not interested in that topic. Be respectful and move on. 

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

–Maya Angelou

Don’t Offer to Pay

High-value women never offer to pay for dates. They know the value they bring and how their mere presence is worth more than money can buy. 

A man will have no problem paying for a date with his dream girl. 

When you split the bill with a man on a date, you are subsidizing his dates with other women. 

Say Thank you at the End

Be sure to thank him in-person at the end of the date, even if you don’t plan on seeing him again. Give him praise for choosing a nice place and say what you enjoyed about it.

Don’t go on and on about the experience, though, you don’t want to give him the impression that you’re used to poor treatment, and he surpassed all your expectations. The idea is to be appreciative without overdoing it.

You can say “Thank you so much for dinner; this was a lovely restaurant,” but don’t say, “Thank you so much for dinner; it’s the best restaurant I’ve ever tried!” because this makes it seem like you are not used to spending time in upper class places. 

Don’t Send the First Message After the Date

Once the date is over, go silent. Let him reach out first. There’s no need to send a follow-up text saying “thank you” because you should have already said that. If you forgot, then let it go. You can verbally thank him the next time you see him.

Don’t text him after the first date under any circumstances, either!

If you told him you’d “send him a link” to something you talked about or follow up with some other piece of information, just let it go. Wait until he reaches out to ask for it and then you can send it along.

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